Dinners on the Porch Cancellation and Refund Policy

We'll send you an email 2-3 weeks before each Dinner to remind you of the next date.  If you need to cancel, we request you do so no later than noon, 8 days before the Dinner so someone on the waiting list can be contacted.  Alternately, you're welcome to let someone else use your Seat(s) at a given Dinner.  For cancellations received more than a week in advance, we will refund your payment less a $5 per Seat charge to cover processing fees.

If you must cancel less than one week before a specific Dinner, we'll make every effort to contact someone on the waiting list.  We have a single limited seating for Dinner and our Chefs make precise purchases and preparations the week in advance, SO if we are unable to fill your seat from the waiting list we will unfortunately have to consider your Seat(s) for that Dinner 'used' and can't provide a refund.

What about Refunds for Full Season Purchasers?

If you are unable to use all of your Dinner credits by the end of 2008, we'll simply refund the pro-rated amount for the unused portion.  If you move away or need to cancel the entire Season for any other reason, we'll refund the remaining Dinners of 2008 (subject to the cancellation policy above if less than a week before the next Dinner).   There is no service charge for Full Season purchasers who require partial refunds at the end of 2008.

The fine print:

- We reserve the right to discontinue the Dinners, or your reservation, for any reason at all provided we refund you the unused Dinner credits

- All communication about reservations (reminders, changes) will be sent via email to/from Reservations@ElodieFarms.com so make sure this is acceptable to you since we can't handle the volume of reservations inquiries via phone.